Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


Taxtrix of Valnor Pays Official Visit

On the heels of a visit by the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe to the city of Valnor, the Taxtrix of Valnor accept an invitation to visit the jungle rain forests of the Schendi region of Gor.  The Tatrix and her entourage enjoyed the hospitality of the Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe at their camp in the Valley of the Clouds.

It is hoped that the reciprocal visit of Valnor to the jungles will mark the beginning of a positive relationship between the Wa Ngao and Valnor.  The visit is the culmination of efforts by Mosi Uta Wendy and Cartimandua of Valnor to see relations established and grow in the future.

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