The Tribe Travels Unnoticed
One of the skills of a Taluna is to scout and be unseen. A test of this ability is to travel to a city and pass amongst the Free unnoticed. It is a skill to be demonstrated by all Pledges as part of Their tasks. Adeane, Kesha, En’ and the kujtioa jazz, travelled to Ko-ro-ba today in support of the Pledge Shadow.
Although much nervousness was evident on the part of the Pledge Shadow, this first journey proved positive and a test of what will be faced the next time.
To deflect any of the curious, Robes of Concealment were worn, A Scholar of the Scribe Caste with two Apprentices, and a Free Woman of the Caste of Warriors, searching for Her Father’s Caste with Her kajira at Her side. At least that was the “story” to be told should any Free become too curious. All returned safely to the jungles and were met by Mosi Uta Wendy Who stood ready to come to the aid of Her Sisters should trouble have been encountered.