Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


Emm Becomes A Sister Taluna

12:44] Felicity Coronet: Sisters . . it is an important moment in the life of a tribe when a new Taluna Sister joins Us. Especially one that has been known to Us for many, many hands
[12:44] Ama (amanita.pavlova): ((#MeToo))
[12:44] Felicity Coronet smiles to Emm
[12:44] Felicity Coronet: Emm, come stand before Me
[12:44] Loniki Loudon: me grins to her Sis
[12:44] ????? ???????? ??O?????? ?? (idyjuana) smiled brightly
[12:45] ahadi (claireforfun) whispers: pffft
[12:45] Felicity Coronet: ((The lag sleen is among some of Us so We will be patient and things will go fine))
[12:45] Felicity Coronet smiles
[12:46] Felicity Coronet: Emm . . . as You stand before Me and the Tribe is it still Your wish to become a Sister of the Wa Ngao . . . a Taluna of the Tribe?
[12:46] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): aii my En it is
[12:46] Felicity Coronet turns to Nasiha and Mosi Uta
[12:46] Felicity Coronet: Has this Pledge done all that was required of Her Sisters?
[12:47] Wendy Jelasco: all to qualify
[12:47] Loniki Loudon: Aii she has
[12:47] Felicity Coronet: Having heard this . . . what say You Wa Ngao. Shall We accept Huntress Emm as a Taluna of the Wa Ngao?

[12:47] Felicity Coronet listens for the Tribe’s response
[12:47] Arjay (rje): Aii my En
[12:47] Petra (petea.topaz): Aii
[12:47] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Aii!
[12:48] Loniki Loudon looks around
[12:48] ????? ???????? ??O?????? ?? (idyjuana): Ai!
[12:48] Felicity Coronet smiles happily
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: Having heard My Sisters . . . I will ask You to speak the words of Our Tribal Pledge Emm. For Me and so many others it has great importance as it pledges You to Us and Us to You
[12:49] Felicity Coronet: First, As a Wa Ngao I am true to myself.
[12:50] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): As a Wa Ngao I am true to myself.
[12:51] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): I will play my role in the tribe to the best of my ability. I carry my weight in the tribe. Be it slave, Huntress, or En, I am the best I can be.
[12:51] Felicity Coronet: As a Wa Ngao I am true to my tribe
[12:52] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): As a Wa Ngao I am true to my tribe
[12:52] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[12:52] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): I will never disrespect my tribe. The honor of the Wa Ngao is great and I will never tarnish it willingly or
[12:52] Felicity Coronet: Third, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my Sisters.

[12:53] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): : Be them slave, Huntress, or En, I respect them all the same. Roles are stations in life or jobs but the Sisterhood transcends that. I would never do anything intentionally to make my sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.
[12:53] lucandia: stays well away from that fire
[12:53] Felicity Coronet: Fourth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my home
[12:54] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): As a Wa Ngao I will honor my home
[12:54] lucandia: tickles ahadis neck
[12:54] Ally (Maluquete): she whispers to ahadi … her love has arrived sis
[12:54] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): The lands of my home are the homes of my sisters. Our homes are sacred and are respected. Our home provides shelter and sustenance. I will fiercely protect my home.
[12:54] Bali (xsakeenax): giggles
[12:54] Felicity Coronet looks across those gathered with a stern look
[12:55] Felicity Coronet: Fifth, As a Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage.
[12:54] Felicity Coronet looks across those gathered with a stern look
[12:55] Ama (amanita.pavlova) looks at bali and scowls
[12:55] ahadi (claireforfun) buries her head in her hands
[12:55] Felicity Coronet: Fifth, As a Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage.
12:55] Ama (amanita.pavlova): then to ahadi
[12:55] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): As a Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage.
[12:55] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor on a third dimension.
[12:56] Loniki Loudon Smiles

[12:56] Felicity Coronet: Sixth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor Gor.
[12:56] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): As a Wa Ngao I will honor Gor.
[12:56] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): I understand that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to me. While I may not share every idea others may have, I respect their rights to theirs. I do not weigh my values above the values of others and will decline to judge.
[12:57] Felicity Coronet: Seventh, As a Wa Ngao I will build on the future.
[12:57] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): , As a Wa Ngao I will build on the future.
[12:57] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): : I understand that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal. I will do my best to project a better understanding of myself, my tribe, my sisterhood, my home, my heritage, and Gor.
[12:57] Loniki Loudon Smiles
[12:58] Felicity Coronet turns and take a bow and quiver, the Wrath of the Wa Ngao from the great stone and holds it out to Emm
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: Two fluids are essential for life
Without either one, a person perishes
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: One is water
The other blood
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: Such is also true with families
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: Two are required for a full and complete life. To keep from perishing
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: One is Our “Family of Blood”, those who We are bound to by birth
[12:59] Felicity Coronet: The Other is Our “Family of Water”, those We meet and bond with in Life
[12:59] Felicity Coronet: Two Families, both essential to a successful and happy life
[12:59] Felicity Coronet: We of the Wa Ngao welcome Emm into Our Family of Water
[12:59] Felicity Coronet smiles and hand the bow to Emm
[12:59] Felicity Coronet: Welcome Sister!
[13:00] ?Cy?thia ?kaĆ°i Rav???ea?? ? (goddessurd): Claps Welcome Sister
[13:00] ????? ???????? ??O?????? ?? (idyjuana): Welcome Sister!
[13:00] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): ***Wewtwewt ***
[13:00] Arjay (rje): YAYYYY!!!!!!
[13:00] Ama (amanita.pavlova) raises Her right harm and makes a fist
[13:00] Bali (xsakeenax): claps
[13:00] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): mmmm
[13:00] Loniki Loudon: Congratulations Sis
[13:00] Ama (amanita.pavlova): “Uhurua na Umoja, Wangu Wadugu!”

			Loudon Posted by:

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Listed in Wa Ngao

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