Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


Dual Ceremony


Today at 11:30am, Saturday March 26th, two pledges became Sisters of the Wa Ngao. The following is the text of the ceremony;

Felicity Coronet: Sanibonani Wa Ngao. I am pleased to see Us gather today in Tribal Council to decide the future status of two of Our Pledges. Arjay and Maria
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Ngikhona, My Sisters!
Wendy Jelasco nods to ahadi
Loniki Loudon: Come on this side Sis, for pics
Felicity Coronet motions to Maria and Arjay to come stand in front of Her
Felicity Coronet: Come forward Pledges
Loniki Loudon: perfect
Loniki Loudon Smiles
Loniki Loudon: Like your new hair
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Thanks!
Felicity Coronet nods and continues
Ama (Amanita Pavlova) smiles
Ama (Amanita Pavlova) smiles to Arjay and Maria, proud of them

Felicity Coronet: Both of You have been Pledges of the Wa Ngao and now the time has come to determine what status, if any, You will continue to have
Maria Duke: smiles
Felicity Coronet: Maria, what is Your wish?
Anisa Nadir watches quietly as she listens to her En Speak
Loniki Loudon: Turn to the right a lil bit
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): reaches out to ahadi as if to take her hand
Maria Duke: I wish to become a Sister of the Wa Ngao.. a family I have grown to love and trust
Felicity Coronet nods and turns to Arjay
Ama (Amanita Pavlova) listens carefully to the responses
Felicity Coronet: Arjay, what is Your wish?
Loniki Loudon Smiles
Arjay (RJE Resident): I too wish to become a sister of the Wa Ngao, to help as I can in preserving the ways of the Taluna

Felicity Coronet nods and continues
Felicity Coronet: My Nasiha, have both these Pledges completed all things required of Them?
Loniki Loudon: Yes, they have both completed all required of them
Felicity Coronet nods
Felicity Coronet: S/sisters of the Wa Ngao, what say You? Shall We enter the named of Maria and Arjay on Our tribal list of Sisters?
Felicity Coronet listens for the response from the Tribe
Wendy Jelasco: aii
ahadi (claireforfun Resident) looks at the one named Maria nervously
petals (Angelique00711 Resident): Aii!
Anisa Nadir nods softly and hearing her Ens Words Aii my En
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Aiwaaaaa!!!!!
Felicity Coronet nods
Loniki Loudon: Aii!
Loniki Loudon: Maria and I have a long history
Loniki Loudon Smiles

Felicity Coronet: Having heard this I now ask Arjay and Maria to speak the words of the Wa Ngao tribal Pledge
Felicity Coronet: Let Us begin
Loniki Loudon grins to Ahadi
ahadi (claireforfun Resident) pouts

Felicity Coronet: First, As a Wa Ngao I am true to myself.
Maria Duke: I will play my role in the tribe to the best of my ability. I carry my weight in the tribe. Be it slave, Huntress, or En, I am the best I can be.
Felicity Coronet pauses
Arjay (RJE Resident): I will play my role in the tribe to the best of my ability, I I carry my weight in the tribe. Be it slave, Huntress or En I am the best I can be
Felicity Coronet nods

Felicity Coronet: Second, As a Wa Ngao I am true to my tribe
Maria Duke: I will never disrespect my tribe. The honor of the Wa Ngao is great and I will never tarnish it willingly or intentionally.
Ama (Amanita Pavlova) looks around at the gathering, both sisters and kajira and think how grateful She is to be a part of a tribe of extraordinary women.
Loniki Loudon Smiles
Arjay (RJE Resident): I will never disrespect my tribe. The honor of the Wa Ngao is great and I will never trarnish it willingly or intentionally

Felicity Coronet: Third, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my Sisters.
Maria Duke: Be them slave, Huntress, or En, I respect them all the same. Roles are stations in life or jobs but the Sisterhood transcends that. I would never do anything intentionally to make my sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.
Arjay (RJE Resident): Be them slave, Huntress, or En, I respect them all the same. Roles are stations in life or jobs but the Sisterhood transcends that. I would never do anything intentionally to make my sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.

Felicity Coronet: Fourth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my home
Maria Duke: The lands of my home are the homes of my sisters. Our homes are sacred and are respected. Our home provides shelter and sustenance. I will fiercely protect my home.
Arjay (RJE Resident): The lands of my home are the homes of my sisters. Our homes are sacred and are respected. Our home provides shelter and sustenance. I will fiercely protect my home.

Felicity Coronet: Fifth, As a Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage.
Maria Duke: Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor on a third dimension.
Arjay (RJE Resident): Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor on a third dimension.

Felicity Coronet: Sixth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor Gor.
Maria Duke: I understand that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to me. While I may not share every idea others may have, I respect their rights to theirs. I do not weigh my values above the values of others and will decline to judge.
Arjay (RJE Resident): I understand that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to me. While I may not share every idea others may have, I respect their rights to theirs. I do not weigh my values above the values of others and will decline to judge.
Felicity Coronet nods

Felicity Coronet: Seventh, As a Wa Ngao I will build on the future.
Maria Duke: I understand that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal. I will do my best to project a better understanding of myself, my tribe, my sisterhood, my home, my heritage, and Gor.
Arjay (RJE Resident): I understand that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal. I will do my best to project a better understanding of myself, my tribe, my sisterhood, my home, my heritage, and Gor.
Felicity Coronet smiles and returns the scroll to Her pouch
Maria Duke: smiles big

Felicity Coronet: Nasiha, You wish to say some words regarding Maria?
Loniki Loudon smiles to her new Sisters
Anisa Nadir smiles brightly hearing her new Sisters say there pledge to the Tribe
Loniki Loudon: I am so happy to have you both
Loniki Loudon: Maria
Loniki Loudon: I am happy you have joined us Sister. My Sister Maria was the first Huntress I knew in Gor. That was over ten years ago. She took pity in my barbarian and taught me how to be a Huntress. Then she sent me a kajira to please me as a gift when I did become a Huntress. Maria is a Huntress in the truest sense of Gor and to have someone as herself as an example serves our tribe well. Again, thank you for joining us Sister.
Felicity Coronet smiles
ahadi (claireforfun Resident) gulps
Maria Duke: smiles shyly
Loniki Loudon: I am happy you join us also Arjay
Wendy Jelasco smiles brightly the Wa Ngao count on two more bows
Loniki Loudon: You have proven a dangerous ally
Loniki Loudon Smiles
Arjay (RJE Resident) bows her head with respect
Loniki Loudon nods to En that she is done

ahadi (claireforfun Resident) tries to wrap her brain around “dangerous ally” and gives up
Felicity Coronet smiles as Nasiha speaks words of praise regarding both Pledge
Felicity Coronet turns and takes both bows and sheaths from the great stone
Loniki Loudon whispers: better then having wuzz allies silly
Loniki Loudon grins
Felicity Coronet holds both out and continues to speak
Felicity Coronet: Two fluids are essential for life. Without either one, a person perishes

Felicity Coronet: One is water. The other blood
Felicity Coronet: Such is also true with families
ahadi (claireforfun Resident) whispers: paga is useful too
Loniki Loudon quietly bonks Ahadi
Felicity Coronet smiles to the S/sisters gathered here

Felicity Coronet: Two are required for a full and complete life. To keep from perishing
Felicity Coronet: One is Our “Family of Blood”, those who We are bound to by birth
Felicity Coronet: The Other is Our “Family of Water”, those We meet and bond with in Life
Felicity Coronet: Two Families, both essential to a successful and happy life
Arjay (RJE Resident) nods

Felicity Coronet: We of the Wa Ngao welcome Arjay and Maria into Our Family of Water
Ama (Amanita Pavlova) smiles
Felicity Coronet: Please wear these bows as a symbol of that “Family” Sisters
Felicity Coronet smiles
Maria Duke: smiles proudly
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): and raises Her right hand, curled fist, in salute!
Loniki Loudon Smiles
Felicity Coronet: ***Wewtwewt ***
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Long Live Wa Ngao!!
petals (Angelique00711 Resident): Yea!
Anisa Nadir: ***Wewtwewt ***

Felicity Coronet: Come and welcome Our newest Sisters!!
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Harambee na Umoja!!!
Anisa Nadir: ^^Hoooooooo^^
Anisa Nadir: Hoooo-ooo-oo-ooooooo!!!!!!!
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Freedom and Unity!
ahadi (claireforfun Resident): paga and choccy!
Loniki Loudon: Welcome Sisters to the family!
Felicity Coronet: Mmmmm . . . hugging MAria tightly
Maria Duke: Hugs the En and smiles
Loniki Loudon blinks thinking En was standing on something at first

Ama (Amanita Pavlova) smiles to her newest tribal sisters
Felicity Coronet hugs Arjay tightly
Anisa Nadir: ill send the log out shortly everyone gonna jump to Earth to DJ Kwa heri Family
Felicity Coronet: Kwa heri Mcheche . . Asante Anisa!
Felicity Coronet smiles
Petals see’s En finished talking…..Sanibona Family
Arjay (RJE Resident) smiles as she looks at her new bow of sisterhood
Felicity Coronet: Sawubina petals!
Felicity Coronet: Sawubona ahadi!
ahadi (claireforfun Resident): sawubona En
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): ((Sisters, I must run off for about 30-45 mins. Back for TT))
Felicity Coronet: Aii Mchungaji!
Felicity Coronet: Kwa heri for now
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): ((See you soon!))
Wendy Jelasco: kwa heri for now
ahadi (claireforfun Resident): welcome Huntresses – ahadi and all kajirae will serve you to the best of our abilities
ahadi (claireforfun Resident) whispers: which is limited for some
Wendy Jelasco grins
Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Kwaheri, Wendy, En and sisters and kajirae!
Felicity Coronet whispers: Now, Tribal Council is adjorned to re-gather at the Korat Tavern!

Logged and Sealed This Day 3/26/16
Mcheche Wa Ngao
Anisa Nadir

Mcheche Wa Ngao Seal

			Loudon Posted by:

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Listed in Wa Ngao

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