Our Sister Dee’s passing
[11:55] Mel Qusifor: (Saved Sat Jan 16 06:12:58 2016)
Greetings Sister It is My sad duty to report to you that My sweet Dee passed away at 6:55 pm on Thursday 1-14-2016. She was surrounded by her family and friends and went peacefully without signs of pain or anxiety.
The room was filled with love both from the people there and the host of angels that filled the room with their presence.
The grief I feel is great but I know that she is in a good place now without pain or suffering. I held her hand and walked her to the door leading to heaven and gave her permission to take the hand of God and walk through.
Sometimes God doesn’t answer prayer the way we want but I trust he has a greater plan and though I hurt inside I know that over time that will change to sweet memories for My love until God takes Me to her someday.
Please thank all of those that have been praying for her and Myself. We truly felt the love that enveloped us. I will return top the jungle next Saturday the 23rd of January.
May God Bless you and if you would announce to the tribe what happened I would greatly appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of My heart Sister. Kwa heri
Today there was a remembrance of our Sister Dee. I am going to include the full log of the ceremony.
[12:05] Felicity Coronet: Sanibona, Tal, and Greetings
[12:05] Felicity Coronet: Asante and Thank You for being here today
[12:05] Sandi smiles gently and nods a greeting
[12:06] Mel Qusifor smiles as He looks around at the many gathered today
[12:06] Felicity Coronet smiles softly pausing for a moment to look at each and everyone assembled at the Beacon Fire
[12:06] Edda sighs
[12:06] Felicity Coronet: Amongst the Wa Ngao, We have always recognized the real people behind these avatars with which we live, enjoy, and play in Second Life.
[12:06] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi nods
[12:06] Felicity Coronet: I have always thought it added something very special to OUr experience here
[12:07] Felicity Coronet: And so We’ve come together today to pause and give thought to Our Sister DeeDee Bohemian, known to many of Us as Dee.
[12:07] Nzuri smiles sadly and nods
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: Dee passed away this past week and it is fitting a proper that We take this moment for Her
[12:08] Sandi nods. aii
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: Dee came to the jungles as the Free Companion of Mel and in the years since has become part of Our lives here. In that time Her love of the jungles grew and became evident.
[12:08] Mel Qusifor feels a tear roll down His eye
[12:08] Shadow Akhlys nods with a tear on her cheek
[12:08] epona listens to the wise En’s words
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: At weekly Tavern Time, She occupied a seat next to Her Mel and cast an ever watchful eye on so many of the people that attended.
[12:09] Wendy Jelasco presses her lips together and whispers to herself Taluna do not cry
[12:09] Felicity Coronet smiles with a twinkle in Her eye . . . . Woe unto any kajira that sought to exceed her proper place.
[12:09] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi passes a scroll She wrote for Ndugu DeeDee’s memory to Brother Mel,Her eyes becoming watered with tears
[12:09] Felicity Coronet: Her support for the jungles extended to the Village of Korat where She maintained a shop to market Her goods.
[12:10] Felicity Coronet: Over time Her love of the jungles grew and grew.
[12:10] Felicity Coronet: And She became not just “Lady Dee”, but “Sister Dee” to Us
[12:10] Edda swallows hard and nods slowly
[12:10] Loniki Loudon nods
[12:10] Felicity Coronet: After a time She and I spoke of a ceremony to be conducted in secret where She would cast off Her Robes of Concealment replacing them with hides and pelts of a Huntress.
[12:11] Loniki Loudon smiles at that thought
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: Stealing away in the night She yearned to stand with the Wa Ngao as a Sister returning before the dawn to resume Her status as a Free Woman
[12:11] Felicity Coronet smiles softly
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: She and I had fun as We shopped the markets for something appropriate to wear and Her enthusiasm and excitement became increasingly evident.
[12:12] Felicity Coronet turns to Mel and smiles warmly to Her Brother
[12:12] Felicity Coronet: I suspect Mel knew of this, but being the good Man He is, accepted this and always kept His loyalty and love for Dee.
[12:12] Felicity Coronet smiles sofly
[12:12] Edda fans herself, smiling
[12:12] Sandi nods, her head hung, masking her tears…
[12:13] Felicity Coronet: Dee was truly part of Our “Family” here in the jungle rainforests of the Schendi region of Gor.
[12:13] Mel Qusifor smiles feeling honored by His family of Water for HIs lovely Dee
[12:13] Felicity Coronet turns to Mel.
[12:13] Felicity Coronet: Brother, are there words You wish to share with Us?
[12:13] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi tears begin a small stream down Her cheeks as She wipes Her eyes
[12:13] Mel Qusifor slowly looks around to each face and speaks
[12:14] Hoshi Tamura is online.
[12:14] Vαяη is online.
[12:14] m ǝ ℓ α is offline.
[12:14] Mel Qusifor: It is with a heavy heart that I speak her today
[12:15] Felicity Coronet is offline.
[12:15] Felicity Coronet is online.
[12:15] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: ((wb En))
[12:15] Mel Qusifor: My love for My sweet companion fills My heart and the sorrow is more bearable with the support of My Friends and Family
[12:16] Mel Qusifor: I know she loved the jungle and the Wa Ngao tribe
[12:17] Mel Qusifor: It fills my heart with honor that you have taken her into your hearts.
[12:17] Mel Qusifor: She did tell Me a bit about becoming a “secret Taluna” and I was aware of her excitement
[12:18] Felicity Coronet smiles joyfully
[12:18] petals is offline.
[12:18] Edda giggles softly
[12:18] Mel Qusifor: Please accept My love for each of you and understand that I will continue on and enjoy the friendship of each of you in the coming months and years
[12:19] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi touches Her left breast in the shape of a heart encircling it,never to let Ndugu DeeDee’s memory die and treasures the time She was here
[12:19] Felicity Coronet nods to Her Brother
[12:19] Sandi smiles gently, wiping away another teat
[12:19] Ame Starostin crosses her arms, standing stoically while attempting to blink the tears away
[12:19] Mel Qusifor looks up to the sky and sees in His mind eye His Dee Dee looking down upon them and smiling
[12:19] epona smiles
[12:19] Edda nods
[12:19] Felicity Coronet too looks up smiling
[12:20] Mel Qusifor: I have placed a small RL picture of Dee in her shop on Mist for those that would like to view it I know she would of wanted you all to know her that way as well
[12:20] Felicity Coronet nods
[12:21] Nzuri smiles
[12:21] Loniki Loudon nods
[12:21] Mel Qusifor: Thank you for everything Sisters and guests.
[12:21] Shadow Akhlys nods
[12:21] Sandi smiles
[12:21] ahadi whispers: thank you Lady Dee
[12:21] Mel Qusifor completes His speech and folds His hands and smiles
[12:21] Felicity Coronet: Asante Mel
[12:21] Felicity Coronet: My Nasiha have You thoughts You would like to share with Us?
[12:21] Edda whispers, “thank you, Mel, for all the wonderful times that you and Dee brought to us here”
[12:22] Mel Qusifor nods the Edda
[12:22] Mel Qusifor: to*
[12:22] Nzuri nods in agreement to Edda’s words – wishing she had more time to get to know Dee.
[12:22] Sandi: aii. asante Brother Mel
[12:22] Mel Qusifor nods to Sandi
[12:22] epona smiles at the thought of serving the Mistress her special version of ‘ramberry juice’
[12:22] Loniki Loudon: I was thinking about Dee yesterday. I knew her but never met her and she lived on the other side of Seattle. I felt sorry I never actually met her. I feel sorry for Mel as I know how hard love can be to find. And I know how hard it is to recover when its lost… I wish him the best. But I am also glad Mel was there for her in the end. It is what I would have wanted, to be with the people I love.
[12:23] Edda turns and slowly walks away, wiping tears from her face and smiling at the memories
[12:23] Sandi nods. aii Sis
[12:23] Loniki Loudon: We are all there for you brother
[12:23] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi begins saying a prayer She wrote on the scroll She gave to Brother Mel to honor Ndugu DeeDee so everyone here can hear it as well looking up to the heavens She speaks “Our Father in heaven,
I’m so grateful for all You had given.
I come before You to pray,
especially on this very day,
as I recall my life journey
with someone whom I love so dearly.
She’s a rival, yet a friend,
a companion, a guide & guardian
Ever since our childhood,
she always be by my side to keep me good.
Someone with whom I could share
all the joy & tears to bear..
the togetherness..sense of loving & caring
had taught me to be a better human being.
Though sometimes she could be quite emotional,
yet under any circumstances, keep being rational.
She maybe not perfect,
but she’s the one I always respect.
Lord, You had made Your plan for us both,
that we would know what is really worth.
Though there are times, every now & then,
towards each other, we misunderstand..
All the mistakes of the past,
Your grace
[12:23] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: alone that is steadfast,
enable us to forgive & to forget,
however hard things might get..
Anything could happen, everything may go wrong,
nevertheless, this family is always where we belong.
On this special moment,
this simple prayer is my little present..
O Lord please keep Your blessings upon her,
show Your way, wherever..whenever..
Let her not live her life on her own,
always be with her that she’ll never be alone.
Help her out in times of trouble,
strengthen her faith through all the struggle.
Make her become a better & wiser,
spouse, mother, daughter, sister,
and to the world around,
let her be the salt & the light that shine..
Guide her in doing her calling,
may onto You she will always cling.
God, I do acknowledge,
having her as a sister is a privilege..
Thank you, Father,
Please accept this simple prayer,
in Jesus name,
I proclaim..
Amen. ”
[12:24] Mel Qusifor smiles at Nasiha
[12:25] lil Swords is online.
[12:25] Felicity Coronet: Asante My Nasiha
[12:25] Shadow Akhlys smiles listening the nice prayer from Ngudu
[12:25] Felicity Coronet: Ohemaa, Asante for that beautful sentiment
[12:25] Felicity Coronet: As We take this time to turn Our thoughts to Dee are there any of Her Sisters and Friends that wish to share a special story about Dee?
[12:26] Jaen Albatros slips in quietly from the trees and kneels behind her Master
[12:26] Mel Qusifor: Amen and thank you Sister
[12:26] Wrath of Wa Ngao Bow Certificate: Congratulations on your new Wrath of Wa Ngao bow!
[12:26] Wrath of Wa Ngao Bow Certificate: One moment, making connection with product server
[12:26] Loniki Loudon: Sawubona Jaen, good to see you
[12:26] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: karibu Brother,most karibu
[12:26] Jaen Albatros: Tal En, Tal Nasiha, everyone
[12:26] Felicity Coronet: Greetings dear jaen
[12:26] Sandi: sawubona Jaen
[12:27] Shadow Akhlys: Greetings Jaen
[12:27] Felicity Coronet: Would Anyone else like to share with Us?
[12:27] Mel Qusifor: You may greet jaen
[12:27] Jaen Albatros smiles around at the gathering
[12:27] ahadi: may ahadi share a poem she finds comforting?
[12:27] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: sawubona jaen
[12:27] Jaen Albatros: fankyou Master, already have, oops
[12:27] Felicity Coronet: Aii Adeane . . . please do SIster
[12:27] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: aii ahadi,Ohemaa pass you the scroll as well
[12:27] ahadi: You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived
You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday
You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.
[12:28] Felicity Coronet: I’m sorry . . . thank you ahadi
[12:28] Second Life: Beaver Snowpaw gave you Loss of a Sister Prayer.
[12:28] Loniki Loudon smiles and nods to Ahadi
[12:28] Shadow Akhlys: this is so nice ahadi
[12:28] Felicity Coronet: My eyes are a bit watery so I am not seeing real clearly little sister
[12:29] Felicity Coronet: Would Anyone else wish to share?
[12:29] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: ((if anyone else would like the prayer scroll,IM me and I will pass it to you))
[12:29] Jaen Albatros: umm, may jaen share somefing please?
[12:29] Sandi: asante Ohemaa, ahadi. those were lovely.
[12:29] Mel Qusifor: Very beautiful ahadi
[12:29] epona smiles, remembering the Mistress’ kindness
[12:29] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: asante Ndugu Sandi
[12:29] Shadow Akhlys: ((please Ngudu, I would love it))
[12:30] She Who Is is offline.
[12:30] Felicity Coronet: Anyone else? Please feel free
[12:30] Jaen Albatros: umm
[12:30] Jaen Albatros: jaen would like to say somefing please ?
[12:30] Palen Cale is online.
[12:31] Loniki Loudon smiles to Jaen
[12:31] Felicity Coronet: Please do dear jaen
[12:31] Jaen Albatros: fankyou
[12:31] Sandi: please do Jaen
[12:31] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: Ohemaa didnt know Ndugu DeeDee very well because Ohemaa in the jungles to hunt a lot,but Ohemaa keep Ndugu in Her heart forever
[12:31] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: and treasure the moments Ohemaa were here to see DeeDee
[12:31] Loniki Loudon smiles and nods to her Sister
[12:31] Felicity Coronet: Asante Ohemaa
[12:32] Jaen Albatros: er……when Master first introduced Mistress Dee to her, jaen was er……kind of .er…furious, as umm…it had been kind of er…secret between them for a while and Mistress Dee was here a while before jaen find out who she acutally was……
[12:32] Shadow Akhlys: I did not really know very well Dee , but I do know that each time she was at the tavern I really enjoyed her company, a real Free Woman , she will be always in my memories
[12:32] Jaen Albatros: and there was quite an er…emotional umm……tantrum…..*blushes* from jaen
[12:32] Felicity Coronet smiles softly to jaen
[12:33] Jaen Albatros: but er…..after she had got over it, which took a bit of time…*coughs*……
[12:33] Jaen Albatros: Mistress Dee never once rebuked jaen for her outburst….
[12:33] Shadow Akhlys smiles listening at Jaen
[12:33] Jaen Albatros: just was very patient wiv her…and was always very kind
[12:33] Sandi smiles.
[12:34] Jaen Albatros: well, apart form the time she er…was a bit cross coz jaen was er…teasing Master….
[12:34] Jaen Albatros: *coughts again*…
[12:34] Felicity Coronet grins
[12:34] Emily is offline.
[12:34] Jaen Albatros: anway……she was very kind and jaen grewy to love her very much
[12:34] Sandi smiles softly
[12:34] Jaen Albatros: and is very sad
[12:34] Shadow Akhlys: ((brb))
[12:34] Jaen Albatros gulps and cries
[12:34] Loniki Loudon nods
[12:34] Jaen Albatros: well, thats it really…will really miss Her very much
[12:35] Jaen Albatros sniffles and rubs her fist over her eyes
[12:35] Mel Qusifor puts His hand on jaen rose’s head and pats softly with understanding
[12:35] Jaen Albatros smiles sadly up at her Master
[12:36] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: Brother Mel,Ohemaa pass You some coins to build a memorial for Ndugu DeeDee *reaches in Her travel bag and grabs 2 hands full of coins and hands them to Brother*
[12:36] Mel Qusifor smiles at His loyal kajira with affection for their long and close relationship
[12:36] Nzuri: I would like to remember a time when I first met both Dee and Mel. I was new to the jungles and Shadow had invited to Tavern Time, and I was kind of nervous about meeting all of these new people but I remember Dee smiling up at me and patting the cushion next to her as if to tell me to have a seat. I will always remember her as a sweet, kind-hearted person. I did not know her very well but nonetheless she will always be in my heart, in ALL of our hearts and will remain loved and missed dearly. – Mel, I am very sorry for your loss but know that you are family and we are your family – If you need support, kind words or even a shoulder to cry on, we are here. I always loved the important aspect of family here in the Wa Ngao, and it is no wonder why Dee felt she belonged in such a place, she was a very good woman and I know she will watch over us all here in Schendi.
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: Asante jaen
[12:36] Jaen Albatros rubs her head affectoinatly against her Masters leg
[12:36] Mel Qusifor accepts the coins, “thank you Sister”
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: Asante Nzuri
[12:36] Jaen Albatros smiles to En
[12:36] 火 氷 嵐 Adeane 14: may i now say word?
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: Aii, please do Adeane
[12:37] Felicity Coronet smiles to Pili Uta
[12:37] 火 氷 嵐 Adeane 14: I not knew Dee very well, but knew she was caring person, who helped Mel and her family, always trying stay strong. its great lose for all of us, and not shall be forget.
[12:37] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: Ohemaa know the coins wont bring Ndugu back,but it will be a way O/our family can honor DeeDee
[12:37] Felicity Coronet nods
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: Please continue Adeane
[12:37] Sandi nods. aii Adeane
[12:38] ahadi: so true Pili Uta
[12:38] Loniki Loudon nods
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Fine words You express
[12:38] 火 氷 嵐 Adeane 14: thats all, everyone else already said what needed
[12:38] Sandi: aii
[12:38] Felicity Coronet nods
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Does Anyone else have something to add?
[12:39] Felicity Coronet pauses to see
[12:39] Ariel: *coughs* i do En
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Aii, Ariel
[12:39] Ariel: Well sisters, visitors, Mel .. I never really known Deedee, but what i heared of her will not be forgotten *smiles*
[12:40] Shadow Akhlys nods and smiles
[12:40] Ariel: let us in these sad times not forget who she was, and take joy in the fact that she has gone where we in our time will all come together again to re unite
[12:40] Sandi is offline.
[12:40] ahadi nods
[12:40] Felicity Coronet nods
[12:41] Mel Qusifor nods also
[12:41] Nzuri smiles at Ariel’s words
[12:41] Jaen Albatros nods, still with tears in her eyes
[12:41] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi nods to Ariel
[12:41] Felicity Coronet: Well said Ariel
[12:41] Felicity Coronet: Does Anyone else wish to share?
[12:41] Ariel: This.. well, the moment we enter this world is the beginning of the return journee to the ones who are there allready
[12:42] Felicity Coronet: Indeed it is Ariel!
[12:42] Ariel: gather stregth in these thoughts * look to Mel and Jaen*
[12:42] Mel Qusifor a tear flows down HIs cheek
[12:42] Jaen Albatros smiles sadly but gratefully
[12:43] Zach Starostin: “i didn’t not have the honor of meeting here from what Huntress Ame has told me she was an amazing woman, not one to be mourned in sadness but one of Joy, Laughter, and the incredible love she brought to all of you , My sincerest condolences for your loss brother Mel… and know she’s always watching each and every one she’s ever touched
[12:43] Mel Qusifor: Thank you Sister
[12:43] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi Her heart feels great sorrow for Dee’s rl family as well and passes Her dearest sympathys to Them
[12:43] Felicity Coronet: Asante Zach.
[12:43] Felicity Coronet looks around one last time
[12:44] Mel Qusifor: Thank you Zach for your kind words
[12:44] Jaen Albatros looks at the many candles, arranged so carefully in remembrance of departed loved ones, her eyes searching for the late Mistress Dee’s and seeing it only 2 candles away from her dear sister guli, heaves a deep sigh
[12:44] Zach Starostin nods to him and looks up to the skies with a smile
[12:44] Jaen Albatros murmers softly “such a lovely idea, the candles”…..
[12:45] Felicity Coronet: Asante to All for sharing these thoughts. Such steniments are not mere words, but flow from a real sense of sharing
[12:45] Mel Qusifor smiles
[12:45] Felicity Coronet: Brother, if You will permit. One thing that remained unfinished was Dee’s request to become a Sister of the Wa Ngao.
[12:45] Loniki Loudon: hate having to always make room, wish we could stop losing people…
[12:45] Shadow Akhlys: they are indeed
[12:45] Felicity Coronet turns to Loniki. My Nasiha, shall We officially grant this request Dee made?
[12:45] Jaen Albatros smiles to Nasiha, sharing her remark
[12:46] Loniki Loudon: Yes, she embodied all we stand for and she was a Sister
[12:46] Mel Qusifor smiles thinking of His Dee
[12:46] Felicity Coronet: Aii, I wholeheartedly agree!
[12:46] Felicity Coronet: Sisters of the Wa Ngao, shall We enter Dee’s name on the scroll of the Wa Ngao?
[12:46] 火 氷 嵐 Adeane 14: yes
[12:46] Felicity Coronet loks and listens for Their wishes
[12:46] Shadow Akhlys nods She was a Sister
[12:46] Ariel: Aii
[12:47] ahadi: aii
[12:47] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi raises Her right hand and says “Aii”
[12:47] Wendy Jelasco: Mosi Uta of the Wa Ngao says AII
[12:47] Ame Starostin: Aii…definitely
[12:47] Felicity Coronet nods and smiles softly
[12:47] Jaen Albatros thinks how proud Mistress Dee would be at this moment and smiles
[12:47] Felicity Coronet: Them She speaks the words so often spoken before
[12:47] Mel Qusifor feels a trembling of His lip as He hears the many aii’s
[12:47] Felicity Coronet: Two fluids are essential for life
Without either one, a person perishes
[12:47] Felicity Coronet: One is water
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: The other blood
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: Such is also true with families
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: Two are required for a full and complete life. To keep from perishing
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: One is Our “Family of Blood”, those who We are bound to by birth
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: The Other is Our “Family of Water”, those We meet and bond with in Life
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: Two Families, both essential to a successful and happy life
[12:49] Felicity Coronet turns to the stone and takes a bow and quiver from it, offering it to Mel
[12:49] Mel Qusifor accepts the bow and quiver with a smile and humbleness knowing its meaning
[12:49] Felicity Coronet: Brother, accept this bow as a symbol of Our love for Our Sister Dee
[12:50] Felicity Coronet: Then, looking skyward . . . calls out
[12:50] Shadow Akhlys: To Sister Dee! One of the Wa Ngao!
[12:50] Felicity Coronet shouts: We of the Wa Ngao welcome You into Our Family of Water Dee
[12:50] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi claps loudly
[12:50] Jaen Albatros leans against her Masters legs, tears of pride mingled with sadness rolling down her cheeks
[12:50] Loniki Loudon: Aii
[12:50] Wendy Jelasco: To Sister Dee welcome to our Family of Water
[12:50] Felicity Coronet: We have chosen this place, the “Beacon Fire” for the purpose of this memorial for Dee.
[12:51] Felicity Coronet: It is a special place where a fire burns continuously to guide Sisters home.
[12:51] Felicity Coronet: For a few it is a place to remember and be reminded that They walked with Us for an all too brief a time.
[12:51] Shadow Akhlys: ((RL is calling, Kwa Heri all, I am sorry for leaving so quickly, HUgs Mel Brother))
[12:51] Mel Qusifor holds the bow and quiver and looks to the sky knowing His beloved must have heard that all the way up above
[12:51] Nzuri smiles brightly and claps, trying to hold back a tear!! “Congrats Dee!!” she smiled to Mel and all of her sisters.
[12:51] Felicity Coronet: These candles represent that.
[12:51] Felicity Coronet: Yellow candles for those for which hope is kept alive for Their return one day.
[12:51] Felicity Coronet: White candles for those Who departed yet are kept alive in Our hearts and minds.
[12:51] Ohemaa Nii Ayii Kushi: ((Kwa heri Ndugu,keep safe))
[12:52] Felicity Coronet: Guli, JenniferAnn, Akana . . .
[12:52] Mel Qusifor: ((Kwa heri))
[12:52] Shadow Akhlys is offline.
[12:52] Felicity Coronet turns to the candles and places a white candle
[12:52] Felicity Coronet: . . . and Dee
[12:52] Felicity Coronet: I ask that All pause for a moment and give You own special thought to Our Sister Dee.
[12:52] Mel Qusifor sheds tears as He sees the candel
[12:53] Felicity Coronet: Asante . . . Thank You all for being here at this very special time.
[12:53] Felicity Coronet smiles softly
[12:53] Jaen Albatros bows her head and thinks of her Masters dear FW, the lovely Mistress Dee
[12:53] Felicity Coronet: That concludes the Memorial Ceremony for Dee