Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


Juanita becomes a full Sister

Left to Right, Sandi, Des, En’s back, Kesha, Loni’s back, Nita, Nzuri, Echo, Edda.

This evening at the ancient ceremonial grounds, our Sister Nita became a full Sister of the Wa Ngao. This was preceded by honorable combat in the arena. We had Sisters of the Zima, Toki, and Veck En join us this evening.


Historical Record:

[17:44] Felicity Coronet: Sisters . . . Asante for being present to witness this most important moment in a Taluna’s life. The time when She is no longer a Pledge and now stand equal to Her Sisters
[17:45] Felicity Coronet: Nita . . . You have been a Pledge of the Wa Ngao for a time now
[17:45] JuanitaLee Resident: nods
[17:45] Felicity Coronet: But, that time has passed
[17:45] Felicity Coronet: What is it You wish now?
[17:45] JuanitaLee Resident: To be a part of the Wa Ngao Sisterhood
[17:46] Felicity Coronet nods and turns to Nasiha
[17:46] Felicity Coronet: My Nasiha, You have heard the request this Pledge makes. Has She completed all that is required of Her?
[17:46] Loniki Loudon: She has completed all tasks assigned
[17:46] Felicity Coronet nods
[17:47] Felicity Coronet: Nita,, Nasiha has verified Your completion of tasks and I know the wishes of My Wa Ngao Sisters. That Your request be granted and You be accepted to stand as a Taluna of the Wa Ngao
[17:48] JuanitaLee Resident smiles brightly heart racing
[17:48] Felicity Coronet: That having been said, I ask You to, as all before You have done, speak the words of the Wa Ngao Pledge.
[17:48] Felicity Coronet: Are You ready?
[17:48] JuanitaLee Resident: Aii En
[17:48] Felicity Coronet: These words have great meaning to the Wa Ngao and are not spoken lightly
[17:48] Felicity Coronet: Let Us begin
[17:49] Felicity Coronet: First, As a Wa Ngao I am true to myself.
[17:49] JuanitaLee Resident: nods solemnly
[17:49] JuanitaLee Resident: I will play my role in the tribe to the best of my ability. I carry my weight in the tribe. Be it slave, Huntress, or En, I am the best I can be.
[17:49] Felicity Coronet nods
[17:49] Felicity Coronet: Second, As a Wa Ngao I am true to my tribe.
[17:49] JuanitaLee Resident: I will never disrespect my tribe. The honor of the Wa Ngao is great and I will never tarnish it willingly or intentionally.
[17:50] Felicity Coronet: Third, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my Sisters.
[17:50] JuanitaLee Resident: Be them slave, Huntress, or En, I respect them all the same. Roles are stations in life or jobs but the Sisterhood transcends that. I would never do anything intentionally to make my sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.
[17:50] Felicity Coronet smiles softly and continues
[17:50] Felicity Coronet: Fourth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my home.
[17:50] JuanitaLee Resident: The lands of my home are the homes of my sisters. Our homes are sacred and are respected. Our home provides shelter and sustenance. I will fiercely protect my home.
[17:50] Felicity Coronet: Fifth, As a Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage
[17:51] JuanitaLee Resident: Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor on a third dimension.
[17:51] Felicity Coronet: Sixth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor Gor.
[17:51] JuanitaLee Resident: I understand that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to me. While I may not share every idea others may have, I respect their rights to theirs. I do not weigh my values above the values of others and will decline to judge.
[17:51] Felicity Coronet: And Seventh, As a Wa Ngao I will build on the future.
[17:51] JuanitaLee Resident: I understand that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal. I will do my best to project a better understanding of myself, my tribe, my sisterhood, my home, my heritage, and Gor.
[17:51] Felicity Coronet smiles warmly and turns to take the bow from the stone
[17:52] Loniki Loudon Smiles
[17:52] Felicity Coronet: Holding out the bow called “Wrath of the Wa Ngao”, She offers it to Nita
[17:52] Sandi (Sandflea Lorefield) smiles.
[17:52] Felicity Coronet: This bow represents the spirit of the Tribe Pledge
[17:53] Felicity Coronet: Wear it with honor and spirit
[17:53] JuanitaLee Resident resist the urge to kneel as she take the bow. The significance of the bow is almost overwhelming.
[17:53] Felicity Coronet smiles and looks to A/all that stand here now
[17:54] Felicity Coronet: Two fluids are essential for life Without either one, a person perishes
[17:54] Felicity Coronet: One is water
[17:54] Felicity Coronet: The other blood
[17:54] Felicity Coronet: Such is also true with families
[17:54] JuanitaLee set the bow on her back and stands a bit taller
[17:54] Felicity Coronet: Two are required for a full and complete life. To keep from perishing
[17:54] Felicity Coronet: One is Our “Family of Blood”, those who We are bound to by birth
[17:55] Felicity Coronet smiles softly and looks around to each O/one gathered near
[17:55] Felicity Coronet: The Other is Our “Family of Water”, those We meet and bond with in Life
[17:55] Felicity Coronet: Two Families, both essential to a successful and happy life
[17:55] Felicity Coronet: We of the Wa Ngao welcome You into Our Family of Water Nita
[17:55] Felicity Coronet smiles
[17:55] Loniki Loudon: Welcome to the Sisterhood Sis
[17:55] Felicity Coronet: ***Wewtwewt ***
[17:55] Loniki Loudon Smiles
[17:55] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): .-‘`’-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-‘`’-.
[17:55] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): .-‘`’-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-‘`’-.
[17:55] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): .-‘`’-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-‘`’-.
[17:55] Edda (Edan Borrelly) smiles, “congratulations, Nita!”
[17:55] Loniki Loudon: You are Taluna
[17:55] Loniki Loudon Smiles
[17:55] Ecko (Ecko Honi): Congratulations Nita
[17:55] JuanitaLee Resident smiles “Asante”
[17:55] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): Congratulation Nita
[17:56] Felicity Coronet: Welcome Dear Sister
[17:56] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): yaa
[17:56] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): *:-.,_,.-:*’“’*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*’“’*
[17:56] Felicity Coronet hugs Nita tightly and gently kisses Her cheek
[17:56] Loniki Loudon: *•.¸(‘*•.¸ ♥ ¸.•*´)¸.•*
[17:56] Loniki Loudon: .•*♥¨`•APPLAUSE!°•´¨`♥*•.
[17:56] Loniki Loudon: ¸.•*(¸.•*´ ♥ `*•.¸)`*•.¸
[17:56] Nzuri (blonkoonyx Resident) smiles, “WOOO! Congratulations Nita!!! I am so proud and happy you decided to join the sisterhood of Schendi! You’ll be an even more wonderful Taluna of Wa Ngao.”
[17:56] Sandi (Sandflea Lorefield): ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
[17:56] Desire Guru: ***Wewtwewt ***
[17:57] JuanitaLee Resident: I came a banished daughter and now am a sister in a wonderful family that extends beyond the Wa Ngao to all who stand together in Jungles
[17:57] Felicity Coronet: Aii, a long way from the Plains of the Kataii!
[17:57] Loniki Loudon: You are a welcomed addition
[17:57] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): hugs her sister so tight as she never going to hug her back
[17:58] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): its so good to see you sis
[17:58] Loniki Loudon: Hugs Sis
[17:58] Nzuri (blonkoonyx Resident) hugs Nita tight, “You are not just a sister of Wa Ngao, but a sister of Zima. I am proud to call you my second sister! And thank you for inviting me Fliss.”
[17:58] Sandi (Sandflea Lorefield) smiles warmly
[17:58] JuanitaLee Resident turns slowly to smile to each who came to celebrate with her
[17:58] Loniki Loudon: Good to see you Sandi, seems like ages
[17:58] Felicity Coronet: Aii . . . We are all Sisters in these jungles
[17:58] K E S H A (prince Zackerly): hugs you too edda
[17:58] Felicity Coronet: “Family of Water”
[17:58] Edda (Edan Borrelly) hugs you, “sis!”

			Loudon Posted by:

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