Great Feast, July 2nd
Presented by the Wa Ngao Kajirae, a holiday feast that included roast tarsk with all the dressings, along with dancing by both the kajirae and the Huntresses of the Wa Ngao. We have worked hard to set the foundations for a strong “kajira culture” in the tribe and have gathered together some very good kajirae . . girls to be proud of!
Thank you for your support of the Feast and Dance today in First Girl Canyon Cave!
I think that you’ll agree that our girls served well and put on a great show of skill for us, even thought they were short-handed. Nonetheless, this was an event not to be missed!
Sister Ame’s dance routine and streamed music brought all of us together. Harambee, Wa Ngao!
Uhuru na Umoja!!
Mchungaji Amanita