EN’ FELICITY: Greeting Wa Ngao We are called together as a Sisterhood of Taluna and kajirae for a matter of some importance. As is customary on Gor, property is marked with a symbol - a brand or a tattoo - so that no confusion exists regarding Ownership. When such property is a kajira, it is especially important to mark her with the Owner's symbol. The girl roho is highly trained and motivated to serve as kajira Wa Ngao. “I felt her left thigh. Most girls are branded on the left thigh. Perhaps this is because most Owners are right-handed.” “The brand, then, as one controls the slave, may be easily caressed. But her left thigh wore no brand. Her right thigh, too, as I soon noted, did not wear the slave mark, nor did her lower left abdomen.” “These are the three standard marking places, following the recommendations of Merchant Law, for the marking of Kajirae, with the left thigh being, in practice, the overwhelmingly favored brand site.” Fighting Slave of Gor    Page 312 It is in that spirit that we seek to mark property of the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe this day. First Girl, make the girl roho ready. jazz takes the girl firmly by the arm and leads her to the wooden posts which will secure the girl. Tying each arm, then each leg, the girl is fixed in place and will remain motionless. she strips the girl of any covering and reveals the naked beauty which is the girl roho. FIRST GIRL: The girl is here and made ready. she is stripped of clothing and restrained firmly My En’. EN’ FELICITY: While branding with a hot iron is customary in the cities and various brands burned deep into the flesh of property, We choose to mark tribal property with a “knife brand” “Rather like a tattoo, an appropriate design is cut into the thigh of a slave and a colored powder is rubbed into it.” Explorers of Gor page 330. "This day, I have chosen Mchungaji to fulfill the task of bestowing the honor of the Wa Ngao Mark of Ownership upon this girl." Drawing a finely-honed tiny blade, made especially for the task, She steps toward the girl. Having given deep thought to both design and location She presses Her hand again the outside of the girl’s left thigh, pulling the skin taunt so the skin may be cut with great precision. MCHUNGAJI: With this dagger, I shall mark this girl so all she meets will know property belonging to the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe. Mchungaji begins to cut the girl’s skin. Slowly She cuts small curves which interlock in design. A small trickle of blood marks each cut. As She works the blood is wiped clear momentarily with rep cloth and then returns with each stroke of Her dagger. Gradually the design of the mark begins to reveal itself. Carefully as She works, the symbol of the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe, a Triquetra appears on the girl’s thigh. It is a unique mark long used by the Wa Ngao is found nowhere else in Gor. Mchungaji completes the series of cuts to the girl’s thigh and steps back looking at the completed mark of the Triquetra. first girl offers Mchungaji a jar containing an orange powder. “With the small knife She gashed my left thigh, making upon it a small, strange design. She then took a powder, orange in color, from the flask and rubbed it into the wound.” Explorers of Gor page 330 Satisfied that the cuts have made the mark She wishes, She step back and takes a small vial from Her pouch. Contained within is a powder made from the same rock used to make the arrowheads which defend the tribe, mixed with a reddish hue from dried larma. Slowly and with deliberation, She applies the powder to the mark still red with the girl’s blood. The contents of the powder have the ability to stop the bleeding and impart the color which will mark the girl for life. Wiping the finished work with rep cloth, She steps back so the Tribe might see the finished work. “On her thigh, of course, was her brand. Even without the Tribe's collar, the brand would clearly mark her slave. The collar marks the girl as slave and commonly identifies the Owner. Too, it is generally visible. The knife brand marks her as slave, an emblem of bondage to the Tribe.” Prize of Gor    Page 352 This girl is now marked for All to see. she is marked as valued property of the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe. Let Any that seek to harm know. They do so at peril of life and freedom. She reaches with Her dagger and cuts the girl free. Go kneel before Your En’ and the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe kajira. With this mark, the symbol of Our tribe, this girl will be known to All that she is Wa Ngao and protected by Our tribe. Warning to Any that seek to harm this girl. She is a kajira of the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe of the jungle rainforest of the Schendi region. From this moment on the girl is to be called "Mioko. En FELICITY turns jazz. Attend your sister 1st Girl. See that the mark heals well and that appropriate salves and medications are used in doing so.