Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


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Petals Elevated

January 29, 2016


A ceremony too place today elevating Petals to Senior Kajira. It was well attended by the tribe. Everyone supported the promotion.

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Stairway to Heaven – 1/23/2016

January 24, 2016


Ok it’s that time again! But this time, we going to see the angels in the sky. as we dances on the “Stairway to Heaven”.

The party will be a semi-formal ball and we ask everyone to wear semi-formal or formal attire if you can. Not must though. We do ask for this dance that all naughty parts be tastefully covered.

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Cassie becomes Sister of Wa Ngao

December 17, 2015


In an afternoon ceremony today our Pledge Cassie was sworn in as a full Sister by our En. It sure was a full day with all the Christmas Parties too! A very good day!

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Juanita becomes a full Sister

December 7, 2015


This evening at the ancient ceremonial grounds, our Sister Nita became a full Sister of the Wa Ngao. This was preceded by honorable combat in the arena. We had Sisters of the Zima, Toki, and Veck En join us this evening.

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Silk Ceremony for Ahadi

October 1, 2015


The status of a kajira’s silks can refer to several thing on Gor. Most commonly such words are used to designate a girl virginity. White silk can mean a girl is a virgin, and red silk the loss of virginity and accessibility as the girl’s owner wishes.

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Ceremony for Petals and Ahadi

September 28, 2015


Today in a dual ceremony both Petals and Ahadi received a tribal tattoo by En Felicity. A tribal tattoo is done by knife point and a special power is applied. I am told it does not hurt that much and both the girls are soft.

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Boo Becomes Full Sister

August 24, 2015


Sunday August 23, 2015:
We had not had the opportunity to complete Boo’s pledge period before En had to leave on her travels so we knew when she got back that we would want to do it first opportunity. As it worked out we were well represented on a Sunday, a normally slow day, so we moved ahead. Not only were many tribe members present but also a bunch of guests including pygmies!

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Earth Outings

July 31, 2015


The tribe has been making regular OOC outings to clubs on earth. Its a fun way to bond and it has been unanimously decided its nice to get out of Gor now and then. This week the Wa Ngao went to a 50s club called Run Around Sue’s and it was a blast. We will be expanding on inviting other groups to join us on our outings.

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Sister Adeane’s Birthday!

July 27, 2015


Party! Today at noon our council meeting which was really just a way to get Adeane to her surprise party worked out despite her suspicions, and what a party it turned out to be. The tribal kajira had decorated the First Girl cave for this event and it looked great.

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Sister Ame Places in RFL Sim Competition

July 23, 2015


The final weekend of Relay for Life was this last weekend and Sister Ame was asked at the very last minute to build one of the mega event websites, Fashion for Life. This is an event she worked on from 2008 – 2011 with Nevar before stepping back and taking a break. The current chairperson was traveling and didn’t have anyone lined up to build so they asked Nevar and Sister Ame, four days before Relay weekend.

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Dual Kajirae Ceremony

July 9, 2015


Today was a good day as two Wa Ngao Kajirae rose in the ranks. First up was Ahadi who rose to the ranks of Senior Kajira in almost record time. We all remember when she came to us as someone entirely new to Gor but she learned very fast and has been an active part of our Kajirae core. And despite rumors to the contrary, she does not kiss pygmies or been seen kissing pygmies.

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Great Feast, July 2nd

July 6, 2015


Presented by the Wa Ngao Kajirae, a holiday feast that included roast tarsk with all the dressings, along with dancing by both the kajirae and the Huntresses of the Wa Ngao. We have worked hard to set the foundations for a strong “kajira culture” in the tribe and have gathered together some very good kajirae . . girls to be proud of!

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Pledge Uma’ta now Sister Uma’ta

June 9, 2015


After completing all tasks assigned and then some, this afternoon Pledge Uma’ta become Sister Uma’ta. Just prior to the ceremony we all went to the combat sparring grounds and Sister Uma showed us what she can do with a bow and spear, and it was impressive. The jungles will be a safer place with her in them and she has already volunteered to give the girls an escort when they need to travel the dangerous parts of the jungles. Congratulations Sis!

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