Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


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Halloween OOC @ Runaround Sues

October 29, 2016


Was a good time this Friday at our regular OOC at Runaround Sues with the Halloween theme. Some great costumes and a great turnout. This was the lead off party for a busy Halloween weekend.

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Run Around Sue’s OOC

September 13, 2016


Every Friday at Noon the Wa Ngao make a Out of Character earth trip to Run Around Sue’s. Run Around Sue’s is a Rock Club that plays music from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.

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Blom and the Vulo

May 31, 2016


It was the custom of adahi (a kindly hearted but not entirely brave or sensible kajira) to wander the jungles when her chores were done (which was rare since the Huntresses of Na Wow, lovely as they are, do like their luxuries)
But sometimes, just sometimes, once bosk and sheared and vulo milked, when bread is roasted and cupcakes toasted………. Then adahi can wander

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Zenani Becomes a Senior Kajira

May 20, 2016


“the girl was collared to the tribe on the 8th of June 2015. Since that time she has shown the dedication and involvement which has added immeasurably to the life of the tribe. she has completed all tasks required of a senior kajira and in addition has become a wonderful storyteller and acts as kajira mcheche for Our Mcheche

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Winners of the Great Vulo Hunt

April 30, 2016



1st Prize went to zenani with 2000 vulo hunted and a prize of 2000L
2nd Prize went to Arjay with 1356 vulo hunted and a prize of 1356L
3rd Prize went to Adeane with 846 vulo hunted and a prize of 846L
4th Prize went to ahadi with 116 vulo hunted and a prize of 116L

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Xia Becomes a Sister

April 29, 2016


Xia has had a long association of the Wa Ngao when she was a Sister of the Sana Askari Tribe, our neighbors and Sister Tribe in the old lands. She brings so much knowledge and experience with her to the Wa Ngao. Today she is a Sister once more.

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Dance Exhibition In Korat

April 23, 2016


Dancers: 1. Rosa, 2. Lady Vana 3. Sheik Al Oisans and Perle 4. Eir 5. Addie MCs – Rosa and Ramius Rosa – Rosa dances with pride honoring her Masters passion for the art of Gorean dance . Rosa finds joy in dancing for the pleasure of the free. She can be seen in exhibitions […]

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Meri Becomes a Sister

April 19, 2016


Pledge Meri became Sister Meri today in a ceremony just before noon. Many Sisters and kajira attended. Felicity Coronet: I have called this Tribal Council to gather here at the ruins in the Valley of the Ancients for the purpose of considering the status of the Pledge Meri. It has been several weeks since Meri first came to Us and sought to find a life with the Wa Ngao in these jungles We call Home

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Jewell Theator Plays Schendi

April 2, 2016


“Vagabonds and Villains” Another wonderful performance in the Jungles of Schendi! This is becoming a yearly event for our annual celebration. Many people were on hand for this performance. The play opens in the market in the middle of Pseudopolis. Katy, a paga slave exits the tavern and goes to the well to draw water. […]

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Great Vulo Hunt


The Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe’s “Great Vulo Hunt” Sawubona Wa Ngao Friends ! As part of the Wa Ngao’s “Month of Celebration” marking the 9th Anniversary of the Tribe’s founding, all Goreans are invited to participate in the “Great Vulo Hunt”. We Invite You to Read On Below and hope you will celebrate and take […]

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Dual Ceremony


Today at 11:30am, Saturday March 26th, two pledges became Sisters of the Wa Ngao. The following is the text of the ceremony;

Felicity Coronet: Sanibonani Wa Ngao. I am pleased to see Us gather today in Tribal Council to decide the future status of two of Our Pledges. Arjay and Maria

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Jewell Theater to Play Korat


“Vagabonds and Villains” is a comic romp set in a mythical city of Pseudopolis. We meet a mixed band of characters as they go about their travels along a road known to be full of vagabonds, with the occasional villain thrown in for good measure. We all know trips outside a city’s walls can be fraught with danger! “Vagabonds and Villains” is inspired by “Pettrucchio”, a play referenced in the novel “Players of Gor” by John Norman.

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