Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


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Roho and Jo both marked today as Wa Ngao Kajira

April 3, 2018


Felicity Coronet: While branding with a hot iron is customary in the cities and various brands burned deep into the flesh of property, We choose to mark tribal property with a “knife brand”
Felicity Coronet: This day, I have chosen Mchungaji to fulfill the task of bestowing the honor of the Wa Ngao Mark of Ownership upon this girl.
Amanita Pavlova nods
Felicity Coronet waves Her hand giving approval
Amanita Pavlova stands before the girl

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First Girl Bestoyed New Honor

March 26, 2018


First girl Jazz was honored with the Green Golden bracelet of Wa Ngao for her extraordinary services as Battlefield Healer. First Bow commended Jazz for her courage and skill in providing aid and asked En to present the bracelet in recognition. Jazz now wears the band and the title of Battlefield Healer along with the numerous other titles both formal and informal that she carries with such dignity and skill.

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Planning For The Annual

March 6, 2018


With the month of April, the tribe will be celebrating their ten anniversary as the oldest tribe in Gor. The tribe is working overtime in the planning for the entire month of celebration and starting our 11th year in Gor. This picture is just one such planning meeting and council.

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Cleaning Up Korat!

February 18, 2018


Concerned citizens have been talking loudly about the problem of drunks sleeping around the outpost. If this situation persists there could be even louder talk!

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Roho becomes a Wa Ngao Kajira

February 12, 2018


[12:11] Felicity Coronet: Wa Ngao gather around so We may see to business the First Girl brings to Our attention.
[12:11] Loniki Loudon looks back at the sleen thinking this will be a tasty kajira
[12:12] Felicity Coronet: 1st Girl has made a recommendation to Mchungaji and I call upon Our Tribal Slaver to speak at this time
[12:12] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): me steps forward, slightly

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Cynthia Becomes A Full Wa Ngao Sister

January 29, 2018


[12:10] Felicity Coronet: Sisters! This Pledge has been amongst Us for these past several weeks and has endeavored to show Her worth to Our tribe
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: But the time has come. She may not remain a Pledge any longer
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: She must either join with Us or depart.

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Candle Placed For Sister Leu

January 22, 2018


Felicity Coronet: I have asked everyone to join Me here at the Beacon Fire As most know, this is a more sacred and important place for the Wa Ngao The beacon fire was first lit many years ago, when Our sister guli, then 1st Girl of the Tribe asked for a light to guide people […]

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Our Newest Sister

September 18, 2017


Sanibonani Wa Ngao,
I am pleased to announce that Atiya Silvercloud is now called a Sister of the Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe.
Atiya stood before Tribal Council today and spoke the Pledge of the Wa Ngao.
We welcome Her with open arms into Our Family of Water.

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Wylde Becomes a Full Sister

August 10, 2017


Today in a noon ceremony Wylde became a full Sister of the Wa Ngao. Wylde has become a regular member and she is a well liked by all. She makes a fine addition to out family.

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Aliya Becomes a Full Member of the Tribe

July 18, 2017


Today Aliya had her trial collar removed and replaced by a permanent one.
As Ama (Amanita Pavlova) said, “It’s not easy to qualify for Wa Ngao, girl. You did the work, so you deserve the collar!”

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Mambas Spotted in Schendi

April 25, 2017


Recently mambas were spotted in Schendi. They were immediately investigated and accosted by members of Wa Ngao and Veck En. There is reason for this and mambas can become a real threat if they think they can freely make a home in the Schendi. It is wise to be on the lookout for further incursions.

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Triple Ceremony

March 27, 2017


Today the tribe conducted a three part ceremony. The first part was a ceremony to bring our newest Sister Jewel into the tribe. This was followed by the granting of Zenani to stand as a Sister of the Wa Ngao. This was granted and Zenani is no more, the Huntress Leu takes her place. And […]

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Sister Donna’s First Race

December 29, 2016


After practicing on her own, our Sister Donna was ready to try her hand at tharl racing this Wednesday at Wa Ngao Downs. Racing in Div 1 she did well and maintained 2nd place until the last tunnel when she got stuck, (it happens). We all still had a lot of fun and cheered her on!

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Min Becomes a Sister

December 1, 2016


Felicity Coronet: With the lighting of the fire I call this Council into session.We will first consider the continued status of the Pledge Min Fairweather and a report from Mosi Uta regarding things of concern
I appreciate All takiing time to support the Tribe in this most important of all activities, the growth of Our tribe through the addition of a new Sister

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Roadhouse Halloween Party

October 29, 2016


Join Us at the “Roadhouse” for this second event hosted by En’ Ecko Honi of the Toki Aka’am Taluna tribe and Her kajira cascade.
Costumes are in order and the path from the landing point to the dance floor might be a little scary so be ready..
DJ Ame will be there to play tunes to keep Us hopping.

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