Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


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Silver Becomes Sister Of Wa Ngao

September 27, 2021


Felicity Coronet: I call this Tribal Council into session.
There is business of importance to be considered
 She turns to Mosi Uta
Wendy Jelasco: The Pledge Silver makes a request of Council
Felicity Coronet: What business does Council have for today Sister

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Hibiki’s Tribal Tattoo & Renaming

June 22, 2021


Felicity Coronet: And to mark this occasion, from this moment on the girl is to be called “Mioko” which helps signify the girl’s Pani heritage which the girl brought to Us
Felicity Coronet: 1st Girl . . . . Attend your sister 1st Girl. See that the mark heals well and that appropriate salves and medications are used in doing so

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Wa Ngoa XIV Anniversary

April 5, 2021


Wa Ngoa 14th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Saturday, April 10 through Saturday, April 24th, 2021 SATURDAY April 10th **”Relay for Life” Dance Exhibition Donation to American Cancer Society to help fight Cancer https://secure.acsevents.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=relay 11:00 AM SLT to 12:00 Noon SLT Jungles of O North Host : Ame CELEBRATION LONG ending on Saturday April 24th, 2021 **Tribal Auction […]

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Wa Ngao Celebrates 13th Year Anniversary

April 26, 2020


Felicity Coronet:
Your presence here as Our tribe, the Wa Ngao Taluna, re-dedicate Ourselves
not just to the ways of Gor, but to each Other is important and meaningful.
Thirteen years ago I stood as Se’ together with En’ Tarsha Ra, 1st Girl Ronnie Vale,
2nd Girl Desire Guru, and Ribbon Butuzova and proclaimed the existence of the
Wa Ngao as a proud Taluna tribe of the jungles rainforests of the Schendi region of Gor.

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Edda And Cai Become Full Sisters

March 25, 2019


Sisters . . . We gather for what is probably the most important ceremony of Our tribe The ceremony in which Pledges and also kajirae, are admitted to Our Tribe Today We are fortunate to consider two Pledges Edda and Cai Pledges . . come stand before Me [12:40] Felicity Coronet: Edda [12:40] Felicity Coronet: […]

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Zula Becomes A Wa Ngao Sister

October 29, 2018


[12:15] Felicity Coronet: As I have said . . . asante, thank You all for being here
[12:15] Felicity Coronet: The Wa Ngao conduct two very important and significant ceremonies.
[12:16] Felicity Coronet: One is the locking of a Tribal Collar on the next of a girl indicating she now bears the designation “Kajira Wa Ngao”
[12:16] Felicity Coronet: The other is the welcoming of a Pledge as a Sister Taluna.

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Emm Becomes A Sister Taluna

October 8, 2018


12:44] Felicity Coronet: Sisters . . it is an important moment in the life of a tribe when a new Taluna Sister joins Us. Especially one that has been known to Us for many, many hands
[12:44] Ama (amanita.pavlova): ((#MeToo))
[12:44] Felicity Coronet smiles to Emm
[12:44] Felicity Coronet: Emm, come stand before Me
[12:44] Loniki Loudon: me grins to her Sis

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Taluna Triple Ceremony!

July 30, 2018


Today we had a triple Taluna ceremony With Gem, Petra, and Angel all being named as Wa Ngao Sisters. Both Gem and Angel finished their pledge periods and were elevated.
Petra was a special case of being special status and being elevated to a full member. This has never happened before and it really was her initiative to simply being a Wa Ngao Taluna
on her own.

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Bali Marked As Wa Ngao Property

July 10, 2018


[12:08] Felicity Coronet: “I felt her left thigh. Most girls are branded on the left thigh. Perhaps this is because most Owners are right-handed.”
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: “The brand, then, as one controls the slave, may be easily caressed. But her left thigh wore no brand. Her right thigh, too, as I soon noted, did not wear the slave mark, nor did her lower left abdomen.”
[12:08] Wendy Jelasco whispers: Sawubona Rave
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: “These are the three standard marking places, following the recommendations of Merchant Law, for the marking of Kajirae, with the left thigh being, in practice, the overwhelmingly favored brand site.” Fighting Slave of Gor Page 312

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Tribe Loses Hoshi

May 18, 2018


News reached Us in the jungles that Our kajira Hoshi Tamura passed away on Wednesday, May 16th at 6:18AM Tokyo time.

Her sister Tamaya shared the news with Me and I confirmed it with Hoshi’s Friend in both RL as well as SL.

Hoshi had long fought a battle with leukemia.

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